How to Update Software on Advanced Control Box R1.4


  • Windows Machine (Email us for Mac Support)
  • Firmware Software
  • Micro-USB Cable

Connect Your Control Box

Disconnect your control box from your Spike 2 game and disconnect the light extension cables by pushing on the tabs and pulling the connectors apart.

NOTE: Do Not Attempt to Install a Software Update With the Game Plugged In or Control Box Connected to CN6You could destroy your control box or worse destroy your computer.

Connect your control box to the computer using a Micro-USB cable (not supplied).

NOTE: There are many Micro-USB cables that are considered “charge only” and will not enable a connection. If your control box does not appear to connect to the computer, please purchase a new Micro-USB cable such as this cable from Amazon.

Download the Firmware File and Install

Download the appropriate firmware update file from our support page.

Unzip the ZIP file that you downloaded by right-clicking and choosing “Extract All”

Double click on the “upload_firmware.bat” file. You may get a warning from windows, choose “Run Anyways”.

The software should auto-detect your control box and upload the new firmware.

Note: You may need to run upload_firmware as an administrator. Right-click on the file and choose “Run As Administrator”

Note: It can take up to 5 minutes to install the new firmware. If the file does not upload correctly on the first try, disconnect the device and try again. It may take a few attempts to load the new firmware.

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